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Nursing Injuries and Illnesses
Being a nurse or caretaker can be an incredibly physically demanding job. There are many dangers associated with lifting patients, pushing beds through crowded corridors, dealing with combative or contagious patients, and working with dangerous equipment. Many nurses and caretakers suffer work-related injuries and illnesses every day. The stressors placed on nurses and other healthcare professionals have only been exacerbated during the recent COVID-19 pandemic.
Attorney Mark L. Newman has handled every claim and case imaginable in Ohio, including those of nursing injuries and illnesses. He’s equipped to fight your case, answer your questions, and help you make important decisions for your case. Call the office of Mark L. Newman for a consultation today at 513-533-2009.
Common Causes of Nursing Injuries and Illnesses
Ohio workers’ compensation is a no-fault system. If someone suffers an injury at work, they will be covered, regardless of who caused the injury. This coverage includes medical bills, as well as compensation for lost income due to time off to recover. Below, we list a few ways in which nurses and caretakers often get injured. Whether it’s a hospital, nursing home, or home care locations, all types of work injuries should be covered.
Lifting and Moving Patients
Some of the most common injuries we see involve lifting or moving patients. Human bodies can be a bit bulky or stiff. Weight is often unevenly distributed, and long limbs make the moving process even more complicated. At the Law Office of Mark L. Newman, we see back injuries, shoulder injuries, knee injuries, and even neck injuries result from nurses moving their patients. Luckily, these injuries receive coverage under the workers’ compensation system. Regardless of whether or not an employer tries to blame the incident on the nurse, they still receive coverage. If you sustained an injury while lifting or moving a patient, we recommend pursuing a workers’ compensation claim.
Combative Patients or Attacks
It may seem unlikely, but nurses actually encounter many potentially dangerous patients at their place of work. Dangerous patients usually fall into one of the below groups:
- Patients experiencing psychological issues which cause them to attack or physically resist.
- Dementia patients who are suddenly unfamiliar with their surroundings.
- Patients under the influence of addictive or dangerous substances.
Keep in mind that not all individuals in these categories pose a risk to nurses. These groups are simply more likely to pose risks due to the nature of their conditions. Many times, their behavior is unpredictable, but not entirely within their control. Any incidents of this nature open the door for a wide variety of nursing injuries. Luckily, workers’ compensation is in place to cover these injuries.
Slip and Fall Injuries
While many workers experience these types of injuries, nurses are exposed to potential slip or fall injuries in a different way. We may not realize it, but healthcare professionals encounter many different types of fluids in their work environment. If these fluids get onto the floor, they are hazardous to busy nurses who might not notice the fluids on the floor. This can very quickly lead to a slip and fall injury.
Contagious Exposure
Working at a hospital categorically involves treating and assisting sick individuals. Even with the proper protective equipment, nurses are often exposed to highly contagious illnesses and diseases. Because of this, nurses are trained to stay sanitary and vigilant. If, however, they do become ill from a patient, they can file a workers’ compensation claim. They must only prove that the illness did, in fact, result from contact with a sick patient while on the job.
Needle Stick Injuries
Another common occurrence for nurses is to use or at the very least be around needles. These small, sharp objects are necessary for many treatments, but they are also dangerous for a number of reasons. For example, if the needle was used on a patient prior to the nurse’s needle injury, they risk the transmission of communicable illnesses.
Even though needles are usually small, they still have the potential to cause painful injury or even infection. If you contract an illness from a needle stick injury, your workers’ compensation coverage pays for the tests required to show whether or not your illness resulted from the needle. Additionally, workers’ compensation covers the necessary treatments for that illness.
Back Injuries
Along with many other types of employees, nurses face the risk of mild to severe back injuries almost every day. The most common causes of back injuries to nurses include repetitive motion injuries like lifting patients and moving heavy objects or equipment. Most of these injuries are fairly minor and heal in a matter of days. However, some injuries require surgery or expensive medical treatments. This means a lot of time off work, lost pay, and potentially high medical bills. This is precisely why the workers’ compensation system is in place.
Some back injuries may present themselves as very minor at first. However, many turn out to be much more significant, financially burdening injuries over time. That’s why we recommend that after an incident at work, you always see a doctor as soon as possible. You should also contact your trusted workers’ compensation attorney about the incident. They will help you determine whether or not your situation warrants filing a workers’ compensation claim.
Auto Accidents
Many, but not all, nurses are required to travel to some extent during their work hours. This occurs when nurses need to check in on a variety of different patients on the same day. If a nurse is involved in a work-related motor vehicle accident while traveling to treat a patient, they may be entitled to receive workers’ compensation coverage for their medical treatment and lost wages.
Ohio Workers’ Compensation Attorney for Nursing Injuries
Workers’ compensation cases are complicated, especially in Ohio. That’s why you need an experienced Cincinnati workers’ compensation attorney on your side. Attorney Mark L. Newman has extensive experience handling all types of workers’ compensation claims throughout the state of Ohio. No matter what your situation, you have options. Mark L. Newman will work with you to determine whether or not you have a workers’ compensation claim, and then subsequently fight for it.
Alternatively, it may be in your best interest to instead pursue a personal injury or third-party liability claim. We investigate all possibilities on your behalf, find the best solution for compensation, and take your case to the court. If you’re in need of a professional in the field of workers’ compensation law, call Mark L. Newman today. Reach us at our office by calling 513-533-2009, or send us an email to schedule your free consultation.
Schedule A Consultation Today
- Cincinnati Workers’ Comp Lawyer
- What to Do When You Are Injured at Work in Ohio
- Understanding the Workers’ Compensation Process
- Workers’ Comp Settlements
- Full Weekly Wage vs. Average Weekly Wage
- Types of Workers’ Compensation Benefits
- Types Of Work Injuries
- High-Risk Occupations for Workers’ Comp Injuries
- Work-Related Wrongful Death
- Workers’ Comp Appeals
- Cincinnati Workers’ Comp Lawyer
- What to Do When You Are Injured at Work in Ohio
- Understanding the Workers’ Compensation Process
- Workers’ Comp Settlements
- Full Weekly Wage vs. Average Weekly Wage
- Types of Workers’ Compensation Benefits
- Types Of Work Injuries
- High-Risk Occupations for Workers’ Comp Injuries
- Work-Related Wrongful Death
- Workers’ Comp Appeals
Injury or disability?
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Mark L. Newman Attorney at Law
3074 Madison Road Suite 2N
Cincinnati, OH 45209
Phone: (513) 533-2009
Fax: (513) 991-6439
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